Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bombs away

Flight simulator players have killed 250 people in Pakistan without leaving the ground

"For some Air Force pilots, that means climbing out of the cockpit and heading to places such as Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, where they can remotely fly the Predators ... About 120 Air Force pilots were recently transferred to staff the drones ... Some National Guard members were also called up ... more will be doing that in the coming months, as the Air Force adds bases where pilots can remotely fly the aircraft. Locations include North Dakota, Texas, Arizona and California, and some are already operating."

Unformatted data table:
Table 1. Drones Lost in Afghan Theater, 2001-2002
Unit cost # deployed # crashed % destroyed
Global Hawk $ 15 million 2 2 100%
Predator $ 4.5 million 12 6 50%

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