I went out in the rain with my laptop during a night of significant fun.
The thing is dead.
All my copy-written itunes music, all my memory-heavy videos for future projects, every meaningless/ful picture in my jpeg folder.
And I have never felt this kind of freedom.
Trust me, at first I was pissed. All that work! All those saved ichat conversations!
Every preparation I had made to explain digital humanity/philosophy/ spirituality = wasted.
Yet, before undertaking a great spiritual journey, is it not fitting to "purge" oneself?
(Digital spirituality remedy = clean hard drive)
I am going to mexico in 4 hours, where I was planning on writing a proposal for A REVOLUTIONARY DIGITAL HUMANITIES MAJOR.
But now all of my notes have been rendered inert silicon.
my grandfather died, my family is a wreck, I'm still stressed from school and in-all, our "spirits" are low. I will not be bringing a computer to the aztec ruins. I plan on having an awakening. I do not need to check on the rest of the world through a screen. I will feel it through my feet. Laugh, but I'm serious.
When I return, I invite you all to help me monitor human technophilia, moderate our detrimental digital habits, perfect college-level new media education and... slow down our overclocked society so as to improve the quality of life for all.
She was a great laptop, I'm going to miss her.
See you in 2009.