Monday, October 18, 2010

What are some ways to tap into compulsion circuits in social game design?

Xianhang Zhang, I design for social interaction
  • Intermittent reward
  • Occasional oversized payouts - Quora does this really well. Occasionally, an answer you write will "blow up" and get a disproportionate amount of upvotes. You start to get addicted to discovering the process that caused it to happen but, since the process is essentially random, you continually answer in order to chase that original high.
  • Steady stream of accomplishments
  • Constant action required
  • Appointment mechanics

Probably the best places to look are casino design and advertising design respectively.

Those are actually methods for tapping into compulsion circuits, but doesn't identify the circuits themselves. I've changed the question to fit your answer :)

Seb PaquetSep 23, 2010

What do you mean by "appointment mechanics"?

Amal DoraiOct 7, 2010

Are these truly the "best" places to look, Xianhang? Casinos ruin lives and advertisements manipulate. Play should be a freeing experience.
Those of us who have the resources to design "for" social interaction must acknowledge our responsibility to cultivate healthy psychological states. Anything else is black magic.

Dr.Cosmos Delete11:15am

Friday, October 15, 2010

The State of the Art

"For whatever failings or false starts the pundits may heap on augmented reality, it’s just too useful to be left behind. We want to see the world for what it is, rich with data & paths & affinities & memory."

"When architecting augmented reality platforms it should be paramount that the open internet is the core model. AR is simply a way to draw the net out on to the phenomenal world. As such it needs a common set of standards."

"The marketing money will dry up so it’s imperative that the young platform companies collaborate to coordinate the standards under the hood, freeing them up to differentiate by the unique experiences & services they build on top. This may seem inevitable (or impossible, depending on your half-cup disposition) but look at virtual worlds – another technology that might be stronger if there were common standards & open movement across experiences."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mediated Holograms

I am now working for a company that sells software tools which allow artists/architects/computer wielding humans to build applications in which a viewer to led to see 3D illusions in their world. The objects are not really there, but people react to them as though they are.

(Granted, computer code exists while it's running, never say that it doesn't or your grandchildren will call you the 2050 equivalent of a racist)

But now, in order to sustain himself, Dr. Cosmos must explain why perfectly decent people need to use "Augmented Reality" to make money. This involves personally influencing marketers to invest in their own ability to digitally steer human emotions around events, experiences or brands.

Pretty cool!
But this web-log has traditionally been a forum for my disagreements with the misuse of media towards purposes of persuasion and control! I cannot say for certain that AR will make the world any better.

But it might.

It could allow us to share our thoughts in a more harmonious way. To create levels of cognitive balance unexperienced since the creation of the spoken word by providing our race with a better way to share the hallucinations/machinations of its respective personalities through time.

Wait okay hold up. So then why should advertisers be allowed to deploy AR-powered mass mobilizations? Why would we give them the tools to create reality-fortified propaganda?

Because thats what they get for their donation. Their patronage. Through their support of this essential experiment in human communication, corporate creative is helping to save the world one project at a time.

Buy it.
